Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Final Blog

You have been doing the Language Development course one year. For the last semester, especially, we've practiced independent study. Independent study can often be more effective then studying in a class, because we can study at our own pace and focus on our own goals and interests. But if you don't have good study habits, you will be less effective.
Think about your study habits this semester. Copy and paste the following and answer: always / usually / seldom / never . You may add comments, if you like.

-Be ready, awake, and motivated
-Choose fun or interesting activities that are a little difficult (not too easy or way to diffucult)
-Preview the title or any picture to focus
-Try to listen or read once & then test yourself
-Listen or read many times to focus on any new language
-Focus only on common, useful words
-Review often (especially vocabulary)

Learners who make realistic goals and work hard to achieve them learn much faster. Please think of your goals and answer the following. Be specific.

-Have you made progress to reach your goals this year?
-Have your long-term goals for the future changed?
-How often do you plan to study on your own during vacation? During school time (next school year)?
-What are you going to study? NetAcademy/Web sites (Ferris Lab) /Books
-What skills are you going to study?

Remember you have until the end of January to continue your Independent Study Blog.

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