Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Learner Blog Goals

Research shows the BEST language learners:

*have specific goals
*form a plan
*are aware of their progress
*evaluate the materials they are studying
*make sure they are working hard and effectively

These learners learn much faster than language learners who don't think about anything while they study!!!

Therefore, in this class, we will make a study blog to think about these things and to record & organize our learning. It will take time, especially at first, but we should be able to learn better and faster in the long run.

After we make our blogs, we will think about our goals and try to form a plan. Answer the following in your first blog post.

1.   What is your current language level? (For this class, consider your listening fluency, reading fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and test scores). How do you feel about you ability? Are you satisfied?

2.   What are your long-term English goals? (getting a job using English or requiring a high TOEIC score, volunteer work, maintaining relationships, travel, entertainment, living abroad, etc.)

3. What are your short-term goals for this class this semester?

4.   What is your plan in Language Development to reach these goals? 

(NetAcademy2: listening, reading, TOEIC, grammar dojo)

(Ferris Online English Lab: reading, vocabulary, listening to news, topics, or conversations)

You can add to or change these goals as the semester goes on. Please put a asterisk (*) by any   new or changed info (so I can see how your goals have changed).

Blog Help

How to make a new post 
1. Go to blogger.com
2. Sign in with your user name (email address) & password (top right corner)
3. By your blog name, click "Create new post"
5. Type your post
6. Press the "Publish" button (or "Save as Draft" if you are not finished)

How to edit or finish an old post
1. Go to 
2. Sign in with your user name and password (top-right corner)
3. Click on "Posts" after "Manage"
4. Choose the post you need to finish or fix
5. Finish or fix your post
6. Press the "Publish" button